How to brew

Master the Art of Brewing AeroPress: A Step-by-Step Guide


Master the Art of Brewing AeroPress: A Step-by-Step Guide

Coffee liberated from the constraints of gravity

Are you ready to brew the perfect cup of coffee with your AeroPress? This portable, convenient, and easy-to-use coffee maker is like an espresso maker, drip coffee maker, and French press all rolled into one. No more bitter or acidic coffee – just rich, pure-tasting goodness!

To help you out, we’re going to walk you through The Upright Method of using an AeroPress.

What you'll need

AeroPress, Aeropress Filter, Coffee (duh), Drinking Vessel, Grinder, Kettle, Digital Scales, Timer

Coffee Dose

15-18 grams

Grind Size

Fine to Medium-Fine

Water + Temp

200mL @ 94°C

Brew time

1:30 - 2 mins

The Upright Method

Step 1

Boil water & grind coffee

Start by boiling at least 300 mL of water in your kettle. While that’s happening, measure out 15-18 grams of coffee and grind it slightly finer than table salt.

For lighter roasts, we recommend using a larger dose and coarser grind.

Step 2

Insert & rinse the filter

Next, insert a paper or metal filter into the AeroPress’s detachable cap. Wet the filter and cap with hot water to warm up the brewing vessel and remove any paper taste (if using a paper filter). To rinse the cap, hold it by the flaps and pour the water slowly through the filter.

Step 3

Assemble & add coffee grounds

Now it’s time to put everything together. Slot the cap into the AeroPress chamber and add your measured and ground coffee. Give the assemblage a couple of taps to flatten the bed of coffee, then place the AeroPress on top of your drinking vessel and put the whole unit on your scales.

Step 4

Pre-infusion & bloom

0:00Start the timer.

Pour about 50 mL of water in a circular motion over the coffee grounds, making sure to wet them all. The wet grounds should bubble up a bit as the CO2 escapes. Give everything a gentle swirl for two seconds.

Step 5

Add the rest of the water

0:30Resume at 30 seconds.

Pour in the remaining 150 mL of boiling water and stir the grounds 10 times to agitate. Insert the plunger into the chamber and let the grounds steep for a minute.

Step 6

Let's press!

1:30Resume at 1:30 minutes.

Press down firmly on the plunger until you hear a hiss of air. If it feels too easy to push, your grind is probably too coarse, and if it feels too hard, it’s likely too fine. It should take about 30 seconds to squeeze all the coffee out and hear the hiss.

Step 7

Discard the puck, and enjoy!

2:00Stop the timer.

Once you’ve unlatched the cap, you can push the plunger out all the way to remove the puck of coffee and the filter. Don’t forget to toss the puck in the compost bin! As with most brewing methods, it’s best to let the AeroPress coffee cool down a bit before enjoying.

So there you have it – The Upright Method for brewing coffee with an AeroPress. With a little practice, you’ll be a pro in no time. Happy brewing!

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